Re-Aiming Equity Evaluation in Clinical Decision Support: A Scoping Review of Equity Assessments in Surgical Decision Support Systems

*Department of Medicine, University of Minnesota, Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care, Minneapolis, MN

†Department of Surgery, University of Minnesota, Division of Acute Care Surgery, Minneapolis, MN

‡Pediatric Surgery, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC

§Department of Surgery, University of Florida Health, Gainesville, FL

∥Department of Surgery, Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, SC

¶Institute for Health Informatics, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN

N.E.I. and E.K.J.: contributed equally to the manuscript.

All authors have substantially contributed to conducting the underlying research and drafting this manuscript.

C.J.T. is a PI for 2 RCTs investigating ARBs in the treatment of COVID-19 among inpatient and outpatients. Co-Is include N.E.I. C.J.T. is supported by an AHRQ K12HS026379 focused on scaling of thoracic trauma clinical decision support systems. NIH NHLBI T32HL07741 (N.E.I.). T.J.L. was supported by the National Institute of General Medical Sciences of the National Institutes of Health under Award Number K23 GM140268. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health. G.B.M. is supported by AHRQ R01HS024532-01A1, NIH/NIGMS R01 GM120079, NIH/NCRR U01 TR002062, NIH/NIDA R33 DA046084, NIH/NCATS UL1 TR002494. The remaining authors report no conflicts of interest.

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