Blood Pressure Changes in Gestational Hypertension, Preeclampsia, and Chronic Hypertension from Preconception to 42-day Postpartum

Hypertension is one of the leading causes of postpartum readmissions in the United States [1], [2], and hypertensive disorders of pregnancy (HDP) are responsible for 7.4% of pregnancy-related death [3]. Most of the maternal morbidity, including hypertensive crisis, stroke, and heart failure secondary to HDP, occurs in the first two weeks postpartum [4], [5]. Despite the high prevalence of HDP, current postpartum hypertension management guidelines are based on limited data. While data is growing [6], [7], [8], the difference in longitudinal blood pressures (BP) patterns preconception through 42-day postpartum of women who develop gestational hypertension, preeclampsia, preeclampsia with severe features and chronic hypertension, time to BP normalization, and factors association with BP return to pre-pregnancy range deserves further investigation.

Recently telehealth with remote BP monitoring has been increasingly utilized in the postpartum period and demonstrated cost-effectiveness and positive patient feedback [9], [10], [11], [12]. However, evidence-based data demonstrating differences in BP changes and the timing of critical timepoints for BP spikes specific for different types of HDP are required for efficiently utilizing telehealth. At the University of Wisconsin (UW), a remote BP monitoring program was implemented for patients with HDP. The program was well accepted by patients and led to reduction in postpartum readmissions [9]. Through a detailed data collection on BP values in the remote BP monitoring program, we now have a unique opportunity to analyze longitudinal changes in BP from preconception to postpartum across various type of HDP. Therefore, the objective of this study was to review difference in timing of BP spikes, BP stabilization, defined as BP<140/90 mmHg for ≥48 hours, resolution of hypertension (defined as BP stabilization without antihypertensive medication use), and antihypertensive medication usage at 42-day postpartum between the HDP groups.

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