Personality traits and their role as risk modifiers in gaming disorder and internet use disorders

Purpose of review 

After its initial recognition in the DSM-5, Gaming Disorder has now officially been included as a mental disorder in the ICD-11 as a behavioral addiction. In the past decades, research on this phenomenon has increased and in particular theories on its etiopathology have been suggested. In that respect, underlying factors, including neurobiological, social, and psychological factors, have been described. One commonly discussed etiological factor is supposed in specific personality traits. Knowing more about underlying personality factors of Gaming Disorder and other subtypes of internet use disorders would allow for a construction of more sophisticated etiological models, tailored prevention approaches, and would affect the specificity of treatment strategies. This overview provides information on current research on the role of the Big Five personality traits in Gaming Disorder as potential risk modifiers and maintaining factors.

Recent findings 

Research has especially identified high neuroticism and low conscientiousness as correlates of Gaming Disorder. Yet, results based on prospective studies are lacking largely, although there is the first evidence that personality traits might not only act as risk modifying factors but could also be influenced by Gaming Disorder.


Suggestions for future research and the need for a more pronounced perspective taking into account the changing dynamics of personality are presented in this contribution. Addressing personality traits in treatment programs could be a promising approach in preventing patients from premature treatment termination and later relapse.

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