Efficient one-pot synthesis of arylated pyrazole-fused pyran analogs: as leads to treating diabetes and Alzheimer's disease

S Hameed, O Babatunde: conceptualization, methodology, biological experiments, project administration and writing of the original draft. S Chigurupati, S Bhatia: investigation of biological experiments, methodology and writing of the original draft. F Saleem, A Al-Harrasi: synthesis of target compounds and characterization of compounds. L Atta, Z Ul-Haq, U Salar: investigation of bioassays and methodology. M Solangi: writing-review, editing of the draft, spectroscopic data analysis, quality control and validation of the manuscript. A Jabbar, M Taha: supervision of all the synthetic work, quality control, characterization of spectra and initial draft of the synthetic part of the manuscript. KM Khan: supervision, conceptualization, visualization, resources, project administration, methodology, investigation, funding acquisition, formal analysis and review, editing and validation of the final draft of the manuscript. All authors revised and approved the final draft and data analysis. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.

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