Validation of an autonomous artificial intelligence–based diagnostic system for holistic maculopathy screening in a routine occupational health checkup context

Study population

We present a retrospective diagnostic test evaluation. The dataset consists of 5918 images from a population of 2839 individuals, taken between the 9th of January and the 13th of March of 2020. The median age was 43 years old with a standard deviation of 11.52. From the study population, 1786 (63%) were male and 1053 female (37%) (see Table 1 for a detailed breakdown). Participants of this study were enrolled in a consecutive series during routine occupational health checkups offered by their employer as medical benefits [37]. All ophthalmologic check-ups were performed by a single provider (Optretina, Sant Cugat, Spain). The images were obtained by a trained technician using handheld non-mydriatic cameras on the participating center office premises, in a room which had been setup with adequate lighting conditions. The camera models employed were Optomed Aurora (field of view — FOV 50º, 88% of the dataset), ZEISS VISUSCOUT 100 (FOV 40º, 9% of the dataset), and Optomed SmartScope M5 (FOV 40º, 3% of the dataset). Image acquisition took around 2 min per patient. The raw image dataset was included in the study, and no images were discarded due to low resolution or were modified prior to the analysis.

Table 1 Breakdown of the study validation datasets, as well as the training datasets for each of the AI algorithms that compose the screening system. (M/F male/female, LE/RE left eye/right eye) Digital Fundus Image evaluation

The ground truth of the data was evaluated per eye. For patients with multiple captures, an automated quality filtering was employed to select the highest-quality image. Afterward, each image was graded by 2 specialists (intragrader variability kappa of 0.86 and 0.79 respectively) in a 2-tiered approach (Fig. 1). In case of discrepancies, a 3rd retinal specialist reviewed the image (intragrader variability kappa of 0.83). The first step of the labeling process was to classify the image as “normal” or “abnormal,” considering the latter as any digital fundus image showing pathological signs. Abnormal images were further subclassified per pathology. The specific pathologies considered for evaluation were DR (defined as more than mild DR, as per the 2019 revision of the American Academy of Ophthalmology’s Preferred Practice Pattern) [38, 39], AMD (defined as mild or worse), GON (suspicious glaucomatous optic neuropathy was defined by a cup-to-disc ratio of 0.7 or more in the vertical axis and/or other typical changes caused by glaucoma, such as localized notches or retinal nerve fiber layer defects or peripapilar hemorrhages), and Nevus (defined with clinical parameters as an hyperpigmented lesion beneath the retina). Images classified as abnormal (with possible signs of maculopathy) not matching the described taxonomy were classified as other in tier 2.

Fig. 1figure 1

Labeling flowchart. The flowchart depicts the 2-tiered approach followed by all specialists to label the dataset. The ground truth was agreed by at least 2 graders

Dataset enrichment

We aim to assess the effectiveness of our automated screening algorithm on a wide-range general population. Because of the sampling bias of the initial population (working age participants, mostly without known prior pathologies), the prevalence for AMD and DR was far below that reported in the literature for the general population [4, 40]. To balance the data, we enriched the dataset with 384 AMD and 150 DR pathological images to match the prevalence in the general population of our environment [18, 41]. AMD images were obtained from Optretina’s image bank (the sample was randomly selected from a cohort of 2212 AMD cases screened from January 2013 to May 2020) [24]. DR images were randomly selected from a series of positive cases detected in the Institut Català de la Salut (ICS) screening program for diabetics (Barcelona, Spain). In both cases, the enriched images were labeled by two expert retinal specialists, following the procedure detailed in Fig. 1. The dataset details are shown in Table 1.

Statistical analysis

The primary outcome of the analysis is the diagnostic accuracy of the AI system, defined by its sensitivity and specificity, versus the ground truth. Since the AI system performs a holistic screening, as well as pathology-specific diagnostic, we calculated the sensitivity and specificity for both. The operating threshold was fixed before the analysis and was not adjusted during the tests. The secondary outcomes are the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve and the area under the curve (AUC) index. All reported 95% CIs were obtained by performing a non-parametric bootstrap (1000 samples, with replacement). Study success was defined as reaching a predefined threshold of sensitivity and specificity on our holistic general screening algorithm. The hypotheses of interest were

$$H0:p<p0 vs HA:p\ge p0$$

where p is the sensitivity or specificity of the AI system. The predefined sensitivity and specificity thresholds were p0 = 0.75 and p0 = 0.775, respectively, benchmark defined by the FDA in their first-approved AI diagnostic system [32]. A one-sided 2.5% type I error binomial test was performed for both null hypotheses.

For the sample size calculation, we estimated a prevalence of retinal abnormalities in an occupational health checkup context of 7.8% with a 95% confidence interval, as per our previous study [42]. With these figures, the total number of participants needed was 2784. Additionally, we also confirmed that the sample size of our enriched dataset was large enough to ensure 80% statistical power (β = 0.2) on our sensitivity and specificity metrics, given the reported null hypothesis and the levels of pathological prevalence [43].

Training dataset

For algorithm development, macula-centered digital fundus images were retrospectively obtained from Optretina’s own image bank (AMD, GON, Nevus, Abnormality) and Institut Català de la Salut and EyePacs (Kaggle). For AMD, Glaucoma, and DR, images were taken from a clinical setting, while Nevus and abnormality images were sourced from screenings, mostly performed with portable cameras. All images were evaluated by at least 1 expert retinologist, following the previously described criteria. The exact breakdown of the training dataset can be found in Table 1.

Individual algorithms

For each dataset, we trained binary classificators (disease/no disease) using convolutional neural networks (CNNs). This process, with the right training data, allows the CNN to automatically learn features from the images that can be extrapolated successfully outside of the training data. The “AMD” algorithm uses a custom neural network architecture [42] using RGB images of 512 × 512 pixels [36]. The “DR” algorithm uses an InceptionV3 architecture [44] with inputs of 512 × 512.44, “Glaucoma” uses a ResNet50 [45] with inputs of 224 × 224.45, “Nevus” detection employs an InceptionV3 at 299 × 299, and the abnormal images detector another InceptionV3 at 299 × 299. The optimization algorithm to train the network was ADAM. We also used batch normalization, as well as using the weights of pretrained ImageNet networks where possible (InceptionV3, ResNet50) to speed up the training.

The performance of the algorithm was measured by the area under the receiver operating curve (AUC). The reported sensitivity and specificity points have been taken without adjusting the decision threshold (threshold = 0.5). The development datasets were split in an 80/10/10 fashion, where 80% of the data was used for training, 10% for validation (adjusting hyperparameters), and 10% to test the results. This data was split by patient (not image) and is completely independent from the dataset presented for the study validation.

Screening algorithm

The screening algorithm is a combination of five independently trained neural networks. Four of these neural networks target specific pathologies (AMD, DR, GON, and Nevus), while the fifth one has been trained as an outlier detector, with a training dataset containing images from the aforementioned pathologies as well as other undetermined maculopathies (Fig. 2). Each image evaluated by the system is processed independently by each of the five neural networks and, at a second step, their response is combined in a single output. If an algorithm detects signs of any of the individual pathologies, the screened image is classified as Abnormal. A complete diagram of the AI system architecture is presented in Fig. 2

Fig. 2figure 2

Algorithm execution flowchart. The predictions are performed at the image level. 5 neural networks process independently each image and in case any algorithm is positive, the screened image is classified as “abnormal”

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