Aberrant Circulating SNHG1 Serves as a Biomarker to Distinguish Acute Myocardial Infarction and Construction of a Risk Model for Secondary Heart Failure

*Intensive Care Unit, Shengli Oilfield Central Hospital, Dongying, China;

†Department of Pharmacy, the 80th Army Hospital, Weifang, China; and

‡Applied Pharmacology Laboratory, Weifang Medical University, Weifang, China.

Correspondence: Lujun Qiao, MM, Intensive Care Unit, Shengli Oilfield Central Hospital, No. 31 Jinan Rd, Dongying 257034, Shandong, China (e-mail: [email protected]).

The authors report no conflicts of interest.

G. Yang, X. Gai, L. Qiao, and Y. Tian contributed equally to this work.

Ethics approval and consent to participate: The experimental procedures were all in accordance with the guideline of the Ethics Committee of Shengli Oilfield Central Hospital and have been approved by the Ethics Committee of Shengli Oilfield Central Hospital. This study complies with the Declaration of Helsinki. Signed written informed consent was obtained from each patient. Consent for publication: Written informed consent for publication was obtained from each participant. Availability of data and materials: The data used and analyzed can be obtained from the corresponding author under a reasonable request.

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