Severe Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor Toxicity Leading to ICU Admission in Patients With Solid Tumors

*AP-HM, Réanimation des Urgences

†Aix-Marseille University

‡AP-HM, OncoPharma Unit

§AP-HM, Timone University Hospital Département de Santé Publique et d’Information Médicale

∥AP-HM, Nord University Hospital Multidisciplinary Oncology & Therapeutic Innovations Department

¶AP-HM, OncoSafety Network, Marseille, France

J.C.: devised and supervised the study. M.L. and J.C.: performed research. M.L. and J.C.: wrote the manuscript. M.L.: guarantor for the content of the manuscript, including the data and analysis. M.B.: analyzed the data. M.L., P.T., and J.C.: took care of patients. B.P. and P.T.: provided key expertise.

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.

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