A color-coded graphical guide to the Hodgkin and Huxley papers

The five papers published by Hodgkin and Huxley in 1952 are seminal works in the field of physiology, earning their authors the Nobel Prize in 1963, and ushering in the era of membrane biophysics. The papers present a considerable challenge to the novice student, but this has been partly allayed by recent publications that have updated the reporting of current and voltage to reflect the modern convention, and two books that describe the contents of the papers in detail. A disadvantage is that these guides comprise hundreds of pages, requiring considerable time and energy on behalf of the reader. We present a concise guide to the Hodgkin and Huxley papers that includes only essential content, with the data presented in a linear and logical manner. We have color-coded figures for ease of understanding and included boxes that summarise key information for easy reference. It is our expectation that this Illuminations article will act an accessible introduction for students to the work of Hodgkin and Huxley, and hopefully foster an appreciation for a fascinating story that repays in depth study.

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