COVID-19 Infection, Prevention, and Control Considerations in the Obstetric Environment: Erratum

Correction to Acker et al. Clinical Obstetrics and Gynecology 65:1

An incorrect author name appeared on pages VI and 134 for “COVID-19 Infection, Prevention, and Control Considerations in the Obstetric Environment.” The correct authors are Karen Acker MD, Maria Messina, RN CIC, Laura E. Riley MD, and Lisa Saiman MD, MPH. Maria Eagen-Torkko, RN, CIC was listed incorrectly as an author. The correct author is Maria Messina, RN CIC.

On page xiii in the contributors list, Maria Eagen-Torkko, RN, CIC, was entered in error. The correct listing is Maria Messina, RN CIC, Department of Infection Prevention and Control, New York-Presbyterian Hospital, New York, New York.

1. Acker K, Eagen-Torkko M, Riley LE, et al. COVID-19 infection, prevention, and control considerations in the obstetric environment. Clin Obstet Gynecol. 2022;65:134–147. doi: 10.1097/GRF.0000000000000666.

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