Our Hope Does Spring Eternal!

With this second issue of 2022 we usher in springtime. I hope this springtime also ushers in health and well-being for you, family and the children and families we serve.

Please review the many names on our list of reviewers for 2021. It is through the reviewers' and the editorial team's dedication and commitment to peer review that Pediatric Physical Therapy thrives!

Join me in congratulating the award winners for publications in 2021:

The Toby Long Award is given each year to the author of the article deemed the best of the year. This year's recipient is Andrea Baraldi Cunha, PT, PhD and colleagues for “A Novel Means-End Problem-Solving Assessment Tool for Early Intervention: Evaluation of Validity, Reliability, and Sensitivity” https://journals.lww.com/pedpt/Fulltext/2021/01000/A_Novel_Means_End_Problem_Solving_Assessment_Tool.2.aspx

The Jeanne Fisher Award is given each year to the author of an article deemed the best of the year written while the first author was a student. This year's recipient is Kimberly Scott, PT, DPT and colleagues for “Parent-Reported PEDI-CAT Mobility and Gross Motor Function in Infants with Cerebral Palsy” https://journals.lww.com/pedpt/Fulltext/2021/07000/Parent_Reported_PEDI_CAT_Mobility_and_Gross_Motor.12.aspx

In this issue, we continue to provide insights into how the Covid pandemic is affecting our practice, children, and families. Many therapists and families have faced the challenges of continuing physical therapy by using telehealth and remote connections. These new models also provide increased possibilities to serve rural communities and families with challenges to face-to-face care.

Authors in this issue are from Spain, Korea, Turkey, Australia, Canada, and the United States (US). These authors reflect the true international mission and reach of the journal. Natasha Benn and colleagues from Canada describe Pediatric Physical Therapy between 1989-2019. They thoughtfully analyze and report the growth of the journal in supporting the evidence for physical therapist practice. Take a few minutes and enjoy the chronicle of our history and the changes we made.

As always, I wish you, families, children and their families and our greater community good health and peace.

Linda Fetters
Santa Barbara, CA

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