Anxiolytic Effects of Chronic Intranasal Oxytocin on Neural Responses to Threat Are Dose-Frequency Dependent

Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics

Kou J.a,b· Zhang Y.a,c· Zhou F.a· Gao Z.a· Yao S.a· Zhao W.a· Li H.b· Lei Y.b· Gao S.a· Kendrick K.M.Becker B.a

Author affiliations

aThe Clinical Hospital of Chengdu Brain Science Institute, MOE Key Laboratory for Neuroinformation, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu, China
bInstitute of Brain and Psychological Sciences, Sichuan Normal University, Chengdu, China
cDepartment of Molecular Psychology, Institute of Psychology and Education, Ulm University, Ulm, Germany

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Article / Publication Details

First-Page Preview

Abstract of Innovations

Received: July 03, 2021
Accepted: November 29, 2021
Published online: January 27, 2022

Number of Print Pages: 12
Number of Figures: 3
Number of Tables: 1

ISSN: 0033-3190 (Print)
eISSN: 1423-0348 (Online)

For additional information:


Introduction: Anxiety disorders are prevalent mental conditions characterized by exaggerated anxious arousal and threat reactivity. Animal and human studies suggest an anxiolytic potential of the neuropeptide oxytocin (OT), yet, while a clinical application will require chronic administration protocols, previous human studies have exclusively focused on single-dose (acute) intranasal OT effects. Objective: To facilitate the translation of the potential anxiolytic mechanism of OT into clinical application, we determined whether the anxiolytic effects of OT are maintained with repeated (chronic) administration or are influenced by dose frequency and trait anxiety. Methods: In a pre-registered double-blind randomized placebo-controlled pharmaco-fMRI trial the acute (single dose) as well as chronic effects of two different dose frequencies of OT (OT administered daily for 5 days or every other day) on emotional reactivity were assessed in n = 147 individuals with high versus low trait anxiety ( ID: NCT03085654). Results: OT produced valence, dose frequency, and trait anxiety-specific effects, such that the low-frequency (intermittent) chronic dosage specifically attenuated a neural reactivity increase in amygdala-insula-prefrontal circuits observed in the high anxious placebo-treated subjects in response to threatening but not positive stimuli. Conclusions: The present trial provides the first evidence that low-dose frequency chronic intranasal OT has the potential to alleviate exaggerated neural threat reactivity in subjects with elevated anxiety levels, suggesting a treatment potential for anxiety disorders.

© 2022 S. Karger AG, Basel

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First-Page Preview

Abstract of Innovations

Received: July 03, 2021
Accepted: November 29, 2021
Published online: January 27, 2022

Number of Print Pages: 12
Number of Figures: 3
Number of Tables: 1

ISSN: 0033-3190 (Print)
eISSN: 1423-0348 (Online)

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