Correction to: Application of fungal inoculants enhances colonization of secondary bacterial degraders during in situ paddy straw degradation: a genomic insights into cross-domain synergism

Correction to: International Microbiology

The authors regret that there are some errors in the figures of the original published article.

Figures 4b and c are missing in the original article. They are shown below together with Figure 4a.

figure a

Fig. 4 Distribution of bacterial taxonomic groups between the in situ straw decomposition treatments T1 (paddy straw retained + CFB inoculation) and T2 (paddy straw retained + urea application). (a) Venn plot showing the core and unique bacterial taxonomic groups between the in situ straw decomposition treatments T1 and T2. (b) Changes in mean relative abundance of bacterial taxa due to influence of CFB on in situ paddy straw decomposition under treatment T1. (c) Changes in mean relative abundance of bacterial taxa due to influence of urea on in situ paddy straw decomposition under treatment T2. P-values and confidence intervals of taxonomic groups were calculated using one sided Welch’s t tests

The version of Figure 6d that appears in the original article is also incorrect. The correct version is shown below.

figure b

Figure 6. Estimation of soil ligno-cellulolytic activity for quantifying rate of paddy straw degradation under in situ straw decomposition treatments (T1: paddy straw retained + CFB inoculation and T2: paddy straw retained + Urea application) and only paddy straw retention treatment control (T3) (d) Changes in β-glucosidases. The p values indicates the significance of the mean difference as estimated by Tukey post hoc test and one-way ANOVA for treatments T1, T2 T3.

Figure 6. Estimation of soil ligno-cellulolytic activity for quantifying rate of paddy straw degradation under in situ straw decomposition treatments (T1: paddy straw retained + CFB inoculation and T2: paddy straw retained + Urea application) and only paddy straw retention treatment control (T3) (d) Changes in β-glucosidases. The p values indicates the significance of the mean difference as estimated by Tukey post hoc test and one-way ANOVA for treatments T1, T2 T3.

The original article has been corrected.

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